Invisalign victorville
Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners which will give you straight teeth. This procedure is metal-free and you will have the best aesthetic experience. Our orthodontist will recommend that you wear the Invisalign for 22 hours a day so that your teeth will straighten. Our orthodontist will also determine how many trays of Invisalign you will need to have straight teeth. Visit us at for a better experience in restoring that smile that you always desired.

How Many Aligner Trays Will You Need?

The trays that you need for your Invisalign treatment depend on how severe the tooth misalignment is and how complex your case is. The trays that you need for the teeth are categorized from mild, moderate, and even severe cases. When you have mild to very mild movement then the number of trays that you need to straighten teeth are five to seven trays. When the condition is mild to moderate spacing or crowding of the teeth then you will need to have 14 to 26 trays so that the teeth can straighten. If you have severe spacing or crowding of teeth then you will need to use about 26 trays to get the teeth straight. The orthodontist will examine the extent of the condition of misaligned teeth and determine the number of aligner trays that you will need to use. This is to give you a better chance to restore your smile and boost your self-confidence when you smile.

What is the Average Time Taken To Straighten Teeth Using Invisalign?

For most people, the average time it takes to straighten teeth using clear aligners ranges between 12-18 months. However, the time can be shorter than this or longer depending on a variety of factors such as age, the severity of your case, the position of your teeth, and the objectives that you want to achieve.

For very mild to mild cases, you can expect to have your teeth straightened in about seven to15 weeks. These cases are mainly in children who have developing gums and teeth and therefore make it easy to shift their teeth.

Also as an adult that has mild misalignment issues, you can expect faster results.

Mild to moderate cases take about 14-30 weeks to achieve positive results. For people with moderate to severe cases, it can take anywhere from 20 weeks until you achieve the desired results. This can be the case for adults and people who have very crooked teeth.

Frequency of Changing the Clear Aligners

What you should remember is that you have to wear the aligner trays for the majority of the time. You will change your aligners every two weeks. During the day, you need to wear the aligner for about 20-22 hours to get your desired results faster.

Contact Us for Effective Care And Management

You need the intervention of a trusted professional who can guarantee positive results. When you visit us at , you will get professionals who will provide you with top-quality care. Give us a call at to talk to an expert and book an appointment.